
Friday 17 August 2018

the battle of the mouintains blog

                 Hi welcome back

   (And welcome to new people)

In tumu hub we are learning about “THE BATTLE OF THE MOUNTIN’S   The story The story goes that in the days when the earth was young there were four mountain warriors: Tongariro, Taranaki (Mt Egmont), Tauhara and Pūtauaki (Mt Edgecumbe). There was also the beautiful maiden mountain, Pīhanga. The warrior mountains fought for her affections, and after a long battle Tongariro emerged the winner.
The defeated mountains decided that they should leave Tongariro’s domain. They were to travel as far as they could before dawn, when the rising sun would fix them to the spot. Pūtauaki headed east and by daybreak reached his present position at Kawerau. Tauhara travelled slowly, all the time looking back longingly at Pīhanga; he only reached the other end of the lake. Taranaki went west and still looks back, hoping for the day when he might return to avenge his defeat. Meanwhile, Pīhanga became the wife of Tongariro, and they had a child named Pukeronaki  The end

Friday 3 August 2018

culture in st francis of assisi school 2018

               culture in st francis of asissi 2018   
   In the tumu hub is st Francis of Assisi 2018 school 🏫 we have been learning about  culture 🎇 and today I will show you  what MY 👧 culture is....     

where do you come from? ....  I come from new Zealand

what is your tradition?....   every Easter I go for a Easter egg hunt one we collected all of  then I eat them with my family  and every Christmas I leave Santa some cookies and milk  by the chimney
  Image result for easter      

what is culture???   --- there are many cultures such as to do with food dances religion (I'm a parish /catholic) 

heres a video 😃👍  


                                  what is your culture?
                                  comment what your culture is